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What Makes A Bad Manager?

Writer: CJ Consulting CICCJ Consulting CIC

Well, let’s start with what a bad Manger is first and foremost – someone who is untrained, does not listen is not empathetic and is often a bully who saps away your confidence and is fearful of your success – and they come in all forms, genders, abilities, and disabilities.

A great Manager is a people person, an achiever, trained in the care of people, they inspire, guide, reward and above all listen. They plan your progression in steps that can be coached, evaluated and rewarded; they plan for you to grow beyond their job and if the organisation does not have capacity to keep you, they help you be skilled and savvy enough to gain an new role in another company or organisation – I guess like a good parent, they truly want what’s best for you and for you to achieve and grow where you want to, for they know, that if you are trying your best, you will be totally delivering for the organisation when you are there and will bring new ideas which are always a plus point in the organisation. They can also have a break knowing their job is covered and in safe hands!

Bad Manager traits – talking down to you, shouting at you in front of others, setting unrealistic expectations with no support, saying unkind words, sarcastic comments, providing no training or worse rushed and unevaluated training, blaming you for when things go wrong, looking at their watch if you a few minutes late rather than asking if you are ok, threatening you, making you feel silly in front of colleagues, unkind personal comments masquerading as banter, sapping your confidence, saying you are a trouble maker for speaking your mind, constantly increasing targets, demanding more and more so you will make mistakes and feel a failure, make unjust promotions of staff they like over you….it just goes on, please do add your own comments.

Good managers are leaders, the way they watch out for everyone, keep your confidences, offer extra support when you are having a tough time, without you asking for it; words – provide positive words, for example rather that you are in charge (you might fail) – I want to see you lead this, do you need anything from me to do this…I am really impressed how you resolved this issue…may I have your opinion of this, there’s a great job going in another department which has your name all over it and finally, go home early you have worked far to hard this week, go have time with your family, the gym, the pub, whatever, it’s on me! Please feel free to add your own comments.

Believe me bad managers are the failures; it’s time to expose them and get them re-trained should their egos allow it. Aim for the stars and take folk with you and then you will excel as a Manger, a leader and a great human being 😊


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