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The Four Stages of Getting the Job You Want - Stage 3

Writer: CJ Consulting CICCJ Consulting CIC

Over the next four weeks, we will be looking at the four stages of getting that dream job.

Each stage will provide you with a clear direction of the actions that you need to take and things to consider.

Stage 3: The Interview

i) Prep – read the spec – highlight what they’re looking for and where it is in your CV

ii) Look at website – find something you really like and explore

iii) Look at their social media – anything relatable or exciting to discuss – where you may be able to add value

iv) Know where they are, how to get there, parking and so forth

v) Check out who is interviewing you – could be useful

The interview itself:

- Look and feel your best – be empowered

- As soon as you park / arrive outside this is then the interview starts

- Smile and greet everyone – you never know who they are, and they may well comment

Reception: Manned – be welcoming, precise and smile!

Unmanned – You may be on CCTV so look confident and read instructions, call on internal phone and explain who you are and why you are there

On route to interview room, keep light and breezy, something on the news to mention nothing hearsay

So, you have arrived!

Wait to be asked to sit down.

By all means take a tea but best to stay with water

Let the process begin.

Types of interviews

i) One to one -> possibly initial interview leading to second interview if you are successful. Chemistry will play a big part in this interview. You have to ‘gel’ with the interviewer – you either will or you will not - Stay focused - Answer questions honestly - Keep eye contact, but do not stare - Only ask a question if it is relevant, don’t feel pressurised to do so - Always thank them for their time and always say you are interested, gives you time to reflect!

ii) HR driven - More structured, often with specific questions asked to every candidate interviewed - Keep your nerve, never say you do not know an answer to the question or you will be marked down – take a stab at it! - Try and divide your time and eye contact equally with those who are interviewing you - At the end confirm you interest and ask what the next stages will be – HR will feel comfortable answering this

iii) Panel interview Minimum of 3 people interviewing. These type of interviews our often intimidating! They shouldn’t be.

Remember this, for good or bad, three members of the panel take on the characteristics: - One your best friend ask easy questions and is really supportive - One strict and seems to ask all the worse questions – even picks up on a failed exam years ago - One quietly and seemly is writing copious notes. (Probably writing her shopping list!) They are testing on how you will react. Play it cool whatever happens.



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