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Pride and Prejudice….will it ever change?

Writer: CJ Consulting CICCJ Consulting CIC

Those who know me, know that when I become involved in the recruitment process or career counselling, I work from a place of experience, knowledge and a genuine care for all people involved. I have never favoured client over candidate as I believe that when you are looking for a role or a person, the candidate is key.

If you do not find the right candidate with the skills and experience you seek or indeed the aspirations matching what’s sought, then you fail, and no one is happy. There is an overwhelming arrogance with the vast majority of those seeking to recruit that they are somewhat special and candidates have to respond to this, but even more so that the consultant chosen to source such candidates must also defer to this higher being.

Having worked for over thirty years in a people led environment, I believe I have gained a reputation for honesty and am known for placing people first, their needs and aspirations and more often than not, as none of us are perfect after all. I have sourced candidates for organisations that meet all expectations and who stay. So, here I am helping a client whom I have known and supported for years and whom I like and respect. They use my knowledge, we discuss what’s needed regarding the job and what sort of person would be ideal for the role as well as market salaries and working conditions people are expecting. I then talk to potential candidates and brief them on the role and organisation and feedback on what they are looking for. What should ensue is a second interview and hopefully, a job offer, with all expectations met. Then comes along a Sales Director (prejudice) who completely upsets the status quo by saying, "Oh thanks for this, I’ll chat to the candidates as I know what I want and if they are ok, I may invite them in for a proper interview!" Really? What do you think I’ve been doing then – CV sifter no way. I replied, "that’s not how it works", and then totally astounded by such a response, how dare I, the threats start… with a veiled, I can look elsewhere – by all means but you are interested in the candidates I’ve sent are you not? Yes…um.

My pride has been wounded and your prejudice Mr. Darcey against recruitment professionals ( we all can do the job after all) and dare I say a woman, is apparent for all to see. Next, the smarmy charm offensive by you know who…I think we have got our wires crossed – you bet we have...I’m trotting off to the MD for support ( super MD whom I know) because to be honest, it’s a new role (and I’m scared of getting it wrong). Oh. Now I see, ok, by all means, interview my candidates, but I have given them all the background and they alone will judge if the role is right for them, if you are paying the right salary and if they can trust you. For goodness sake, will people please pay the due respect to others and stop playing the power game, as I so remember a wise Purchasing Director (and believe me, Procurement folk are not my favourites either – do this or out attitude!), earning about £150,00 saying to me “Carol, you play fair with people, give them respect, listen to them – ok you might not agree, but you never know what life will bring and hope others will be kind to you too!”



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