Community Projects
Supporting non-profit organisations

We cannot offer our services free gratis, therefore we cannot offer you something for nothing. We are great partners with whom to work on many frontiers – with recruitment, planning, delivering your message, tendering for funds, opening doors leading people to your door; all matters employment and candidate search, including supporting the interview and post interview process; securing DBS’s and protecting your brand. Fresh evaluation and focus on your individual charity is what we are all about. We work with you and together we enhance your brand.

Community Projects
We have just started to engage in productive community-led projects; mostly funded by Local Groups, Thespians, The Lottery, and the Arts Council – projects where we can truly add value with our in-depth expertise, experience, knowledge, and life skills we have to offer.
They are naturally all people-focused; using our comprehensive skillset. What support do you need within your organisation? How can we help deliver the project for which you have already secured funds and/or add value to your tendering process to secure funding for future projects?

Nonprofit/Not-For Profit
We have recently been working with Corby Core to support their delivery of one of their community-led programmes(see below). CJC CIC is looking to engage with other similar organisations with similar people related funding initiatives to help support them in delivering their projects to the criteria set; to also include post evaluation of projects which is so essential (and expected) in measuring and proving your delivery of said project(s) and enhancing your track record to attract new levels of funding. We will work with you to support and enhance your brand, whilst successfully delivering your projects.

Education & Training
CJC CIC offers years’ of experience working with and supporting educational providers and training operations within the areas of recruitment, retention, signposting people for training opportunities open to them, securing DBS’s, verifying references and so much more; thus ensuring you meet the demands of all your regulatory bodies. We champion education and training for it brings compassion, success, and confidence to people who in turn inspire and impart their skills and knowledge to others. CJC CIC bridging the gap between education and employment…not just talking about it!
Corby Core
Recently Carol Johnson Consulting CIC has been working in association with Corby Core on their 6-week project “Stand Up for New Starts”; a course specifically designed for women who are out of work and are looking for a positive route map back into employment. Following their course, CJC CIC has been providing participants with one to one confidential advice and guidance of how to secure new roles, including:
Discussing past employment history and future aspirations in a non-judgmental manner; investigating and discussing realistic and achievable goals and setting plans in place.
Finding solutions to anxieties and concerns whilst endeavouring to return to the job market.
Evaluating strengths and further training opportunities, be they short or long term or both
Revising CV; making it more personal, more reflective of their skills rather than a templated format. An honest CV that will open doors.
Investigating where to look for new roles; managing rejection from algorithms and from ghost opportunities; discussing online form led applications
Looking at roles; identifying scope, experience, and or qualifications sought for these positions
Protecting CV's online; including GDPR
Signposting; what support people need to get where they want to get to – forgetting the old adage; this role will do and that’s all I can achieve
Looking from the employer’s viewpoint to identify how your skillset compliments what they are looking for.

"Making a difference"
CJC CIC is using all of its experience and practical knowledge to support, not only Commerce but also Not for Profit Organisations; using all our people-focused expertise, to truly make a difference, to working lives – for those who recruit and to those who seek new opportunities within the world of work. We are not governed by targets or commission but purely by what we believe to be fair and genuine. Trust CJC CIC to support you within the vast arena of employment, recruitment, job seeking, and all the nuances in between as we are a truly invaluable resource focused on support and delivery.